Web Hosting speed, in layman’s language, is a website’s responsiveness to its audience’s browser. A slow-loading website can severely affect your website traffic and ranking. Therefore, web hosting speed is extremely important for your website’s overall performance.
In this blog, we will explain web hosting speed and provide some tips that will help you track your web hosting server speed. So, when you choose a web host, keep a close eye on these tips to ensure uncompromising server speed.
What is Web Hosting Speed?
Web hosting speed is the overall time taken by the web server to respond to a browser request. These metrics indicate how responsive and quick your web server is in processing the request so that your audience can access the website.
Your web host is primarily responsible for your web server’s speed, so check these factors when you choose a web host to ensure fast website hosting.
1. Location of Server
It is always wise to keep your web server closer to your audience, as this affects data transfer. The closer your web server is, the faster your website loads.
2. Type of Storage
There are two basic types of storage options with web hosting: HDD and SSD. SSD uses flash memory for data retrieval, whereas HDD has a spinning disk. SSDs work better for a fast web hosting experience.
3. Network Infrastructure
A strong network setup with good bandwidth capabilities facilitates quicker and more efficient travel of data. Therefore, your network infrastructure plays a crucial role in website speed and performance.
4. Resources
The formula for resource allocation is simple: the more they are, the more efficient and capable your web server shall work. So, depending on your processing, traffic and data, you need to allocate your resources to ensure the best speed.
5. CDN
A content delivery network ensures the smooth movement of data from the nearest server, which helps decrease page loading times.
6. Optimisation Technologies In Use
HTTP/2 protocols and caching mechanisms are the biggest support for web hosting speed. Caching helps to save copies of website content for quick access in case of revisit. On the other hand, HTTP/2 supports efficient and fast web hosting resource loading.
Tips to Check the Web Hosting Speed of Your Web Server
1. Focus on Important Speed Metrics
a. DNS Response Time
DNS response time is a metric that counts the time taken by the website nameserver to return the Internet protocol address to your browser. The standard time is 300ms, which is considered normal.
When you observe high values in these metrics, that indicates some issue. Sometimes, troubleshooting or changing your DNS provider can help. If your web hosting provider manages DNS records, you can ask them for them.
b. Connect Response Time
This metric measures the time it takes for a browser to connect to your website at the initial stage, making it an important indicator.
c. Wait or Receive
These metrics help to indicate the time taken by the browser to access (receive) the webpage. The wait time is a period the browser waits until the web server starts sending the data. The receive time is the time taken by the server to deliver the data to the browser.
d. Static Asset
The loading of static assets (like Images, CSS or content) is an important indicator of web hosting speed.
e. File Request
If your web server is showing a delay in finding any particular local asset, then that is an indicator of a speed issue. In such a scenario, CDN works like magic, placing your server around the globe and bringing content closer to your audience.
Time-to-first-byte (TTFB) is an important standard metric for measuring your website’s responsiveness. It is basically the time between the initial request made and the time it takes for the first byte to reach the browser. So, the better the TTFB, the better your web hosting speed.
2. Distribution of Web Page Components
The distribution of website components refers to the way your website components are distributed, like image scripts, which also indicate speed. By understanding components, you can identify issues and resolve them.
3. Go Through Web Host Reviews
The hosting type you pick will also play a part in server speed. For example, a dedicated server is often considered to offer the fastest web hosting since you get an entire server. However, the quality of hosting services will also depend on the provider.
Read performance benchmarks and reviews shared by the actual users of your selected web host. That will give you actual insights into web hosting speed and performance.
4. Manual Testing
You can make use of computer command prompts or some browser-developing tools to get firsthand information on performance and speed.
The bigger question is not how your web hosting service impacts speed but to what extent it boosts or slows it down. Therefore, keep all these aspects in mind and balance out all your speed indicators for your website’s valuable speed performance. And choose your web hosting partner wisely to ensure your website’s best speed and performance.